Host Annette Hines wraps up her series on legal planning and supporting the decision-making of your loved one with disabilities during Special Needs Awareness Month with a deep dive into special needs trusts.  All of the videos for this series will be posted in our Special Needs Academy for purchase as well in our private Facebook group Circle of Care.

As you plan for the future of a loved one with disabilities, a special needs trust may be one part of your legal planning. It’s essential to understand what it means to administer or oversee these types of trusts with a unique set rules.

Have you ever wondered:

  • How does someone run a special needs trust?
  • How do you choose a trustee or appoint one in your planning documents?
  • Who can serve as a trustee?
  • What kinds of distributions can you make from a special needs trust?
  • How do I work with a beneficiary who’s disabled?