Do you know what to do with your estate planning documents? Are you sure your assets will be distributed as per your desires? Join Host Annette Hines, and her husband and law partner, Mark Worthington, as they reveal the complex and often bewildering realm of estate planning, focusing especially on how to adequately fund your estate plan. They will decode the impact of trusts, wills, and other documents on diverse types of assets, highlighting the paramount importance of arranging ownership and designating beneficiaries aptly to secure your goals.

Beyond the basics, they will explore the intricate challenges of planning for the division of your assets among your children, especially when you have to balance between typical and disabled children. They provide practical advice on assigning specific assets like a house or a vehicle to the special needs trust, the significance of letters of intent, and the right time to transfer assets to the special needs trust. In honor of their brave little Chihuahua, Trixie, who recently underwent surgery, Mark and Annette hope to empower you with the same strength and knowledge to ensure a secure future for your loved ones. Join them on this enlightening journey to properly fund your estate plan.

Ready to start mapping out your future? Check out our online Special Needs Estate Planning Masterclass! It provides all the tools you need to create a plan to protect you, your special needs loved one, and all your assets.

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